When you are self-conscious about missing teeth, dental prosthetics in Sanger could restore your smile and your self-confidence. Dental prosthetics replace missing teeth with artificial devices designed to look and feel like natural teeth, or to function as replacement teeth that provide optimal oral health.
Dental prosthetics can be used to replace teeth lost due to decay or injury, or to correct the bite alignment and dentition of children who have undergone orthodontic treatment. They can also be used in conjunction with other dental treatments, such as tooth extraction and implants. Dr. Harit S. Mann and his team are dedicated to helping you get your smile back.
Benefits of Dental Implants
Dental implants offer both physical and mental benefits. They help preserve the bone structure of your face and prevent the sunken appearance often associated with tooth loss. By enhancing the shape of your face and helping you speak more clearly, implants could give you more confidence in your appearance and ability to communicate.
Dental prosthetics can keep your mouth healthy because they prevent the shifting of remaining teeth, help maintain your natural alignment, and prevent additional tooth loss. Prosthetics can contribute to better oral health by preventing issues such as decay and gum disease associated with gaps in your dental arch. You may also notice your digestion improves because your ability to chew is restored.
Modern dental prosthetics are comfortable because they can be custom fit to your mouth, and they are easy to clean and maintain with regular brushing and flossing, meaning you can enjoy the benefits of dental prosthetics in Sanger for years to come.
Prosthetics Work for Small or Large Areas
At our practice, we offer a variety of dental prosthetics to best meet your individual needs. We will help guide you to the best choice after determining the extent of your tooth loss, your oral health, and your personal preferences. Each type of prosthetic addresses a different dental issue.
Full sets of dentures replace all teeth in one or both of your dental arches. Partial sets replace only a few and use a framework that attaches to your existing natural teeth.
Dental Bridges
When one or more of your teeth are missing, these bridge the gap made by the missing teeth and are supported by either your natural teeth or implants.
Dental Implants
Titanium posts can be surgically implanted into your jawbone and become anchors for crowns, bridges, or dentures.
All-on-4 and All-on-6
These are full sets of teeth supported by either four or six implants, respectively, and they may be your best choice when you have suffered extensive tooth loss.
Dental Crowns
Caps are placed over individually damaged and weakened teeth to restore their size, shape, strength, and appearance.
Inlays and Onlays
Inlays fit within the cusps of one tooth, while onlays reach over one or more cusps. Both are custom-made devices that can repair and strengthen teeth with mild to moderate damage.
Snap-in Dentures
Stable and convenient, these attach to dental implants with snap-on attachments.
These work well for patients who need more stability and support than conventional removable dentures offer. Overdentures cover and are supported by remaining natural teeth or dental implants.
Temporary Prosthetics
During the healing period after dental implant surgery or while waiting for a permanent prosthetic, temporary prosthetics protect the surgical area.
Whether you are looking to replace a single tooth or many, we could fit you with a dental prosthetic in Sanger that will restore your healthy smile.
Ask About Dental Prosthetics in Sanger Today
When you want to feel better about your smile, consider dental prosthetics in Sanger. Strong teeth are key to good health, the team at H.S. Mann Dentistry are here to help you feel your best.
To find out more or to schedule an appointment, call our office today.